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Breast Procedures By Age

in Philadelphia

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What is the best age for a boob job?

Dr. Stark receives this question quite often in consultations from his prospective Philadelphia breast surgery patients. They want to know if a "boob job" is right for them at their age, or if it's "too early" or "too late" to fix their breasts with breast surgery.

Women of different ages can benefit from breast procedures in various ways. Read more below in Dr. Stark's Guide to Breast Procedures by Age.


Philadelphia breast surgery patient model in black underwear with a toned abdomen

Get a customized video series on this treatment from StarkMD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center. These videos will walk you through the process and help you make informed decisions with clarity and confidence.

Breast augmentation or a breast implant procedure can create an attractive result for women who want larger, fuller, or rounder breasts or more symmetry for the two breasts, areolas, or nipples. Dr. Ran Stark and the team at our plastic surgery practice in Philadelphia can help patients choose the best breast procedure according to the patient’s particular desires, age, and medical history. Here’s some information about what patients typically look for according to their age group regarding breast augmentation and breast implant procedures.

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Philadelphia breast surgery model having a cup of coffee outside

Breast Surgery Procedures in your 20s

Younger patients in this age range will likely be looking at either silicone or saline breast implants. Some may also be looking for a breast lift or, in other cases, breast reduction for uncomfortably large breasts or creating pressure on the spine.

Choices in this age range typically have to do with whether an individual wants to enlarge or reshape the breasts or reduce the volume of large breasts. Any lifting procedure is usually to create symmetry between the two breasts. Some patients may want to reshape or changing the areolas or nipples as part of an overall cosmetic adjustment. Dr. Stark’s office can use a new Vectra H2 3D modeling system to show what new implants will look like after installation, giving a more precise picture of results before having a set of implants or an augmentation done.

Breast Surgery Procedures in your 30s

In this age range, many patients are seeking solutions for the inevitable changes to the breasts during pregnancy or breastfeeding or according to changes in their body weight.

During your consultation, this is where you may first hear of the term “ptosis,” which means a sagging or a drooping, altered shape in breasts due to aging or other reasons. Many patient consultations have to do with discovering the cosmetic surgical world for the first time: women in this age range may be considering implants for the first time, or they may want to reshape the areolas or nipple reduction to create a consistent aesthetic result. Consulting with medical professionals helps them understand the range of options available, the risks and benefits of each one, and how different procedures differ.

Philadelphia breast enhancement model rising out of the water onto a boat
Philadelphia breast surgery model in a white dress

Breast Surgery Procedures in your 40s

In this age range, many patients will be trying to deal with the effects of ongoing ptosis (breast sagging) that advances as they age. The breast lift or mastopexy procedure may be a more popular treatment option for women in this age range. However, it’s not uncommon for patients in this age range to get implants or start to receive corrective care for implants that have settled or changed over time. This age range may also begin to contemplate getting rid of implants installed at a younger age.

Philadelphia breast surgery model in dark lingerie

Breast Enhancement Surgery Procedures in your 50s and Beyond

Many of these patients will be looking for implant removal for implants placed in the body at a younger age. They may also be looking for cosmetic surgery to address asymmetry in a pair of implants that have changed over time.

Many of the procedures chosen by this age range will be either corrective or a return to natural breast volume and shape. Many types of implants have their own typical life span, and getting maintenance on older implants is not unusual. Those who have already used implants may be thinking about an opportunity to combine this maintenance with a change in size and shape and other related cosmetic procedures on the areolas or nipples as applicable.

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Schedule a Breast Enhancement Procedure Consultation

If you are interested in a breast surgery procedure in Philadelphia, visit the office of Dr. Ran Stark, a double board-certified cosmetic surgeon, with the proper qualification and credentials to assist in this type of elective procedure. Dr. Stark and staff will counsel on the right kinds of breast augmentation or breast implant procedure for you, according to your health profile and particular cosmetic surgery needs.

During a consultation, we will discuss using silicone or saline breast implant or a fat transfer breast augmentation that uses your own body fat to adjust breast size and shape. We’ll go over all of the risks and benefits of each procedure and alternatives for addressing things like breast size, breast shape, sagging, or irregular areolas or nipples. We will even simulate your surgery using computer modeling so you can see what your results will look like before you have your breast surgery! Schedule your consultation with Dr. Stark today.

Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Ran Stark brings decades of experience and training to each consultation. When you meet with Dr. Stark, he takes the time to give you information and options, so you can have confidence in your decision to move forward with the best procedure for you. Confidence. Personalized care. Impeccable results. That’s the Stark Difference. Discover that difference yourself by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Stark today.

135 South Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 220, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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